
going to work tomorrow after taking a mental health day

i was supposed to be working on tuesday and even though i had zero sleep and a really shitty past few days i got up and got dressed and left to go to work. when i was driving i took a wrong turn, which i don’t even know how i done because i literally work 10 mins from where i live and have driven there 1000 times. then when i went to turn back and go the right way i smacked my car hard off the side of the road. there was no damage but it just sent me over the edge and i ended up having a breakdown parked at the side of the road and messaged saying i couldn’t make it in for my shift about 3 minutes before it was supposed to start. i felt terrible but there was just no way i could’ve went in and…

i was supposed to be working on tuesday and even though i had zero sleep and a really shitty past few days i got up and got dressed and left to go to work. when i was driving i took a wrong turn, which i don’t even know how i done because i literally work 10 mins from where i live and have driven there 1000 times. then when i went to turn back and go the right way i smacked my car hard off the side of the road. there was no damage but it just sent me over the edge and i ended up having a breakdown parked at the side of the road and messaged saying i couldn’t make it in for my shift about 3 minutes before it was supposed to start. i felt terrible but there was just no way i could’ve went in and got through the day. my work seemed pretty pissed off at how short notice i had given and now i feel so anxious about going in tomorrow. any advice?

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