
Good job gone bad

About 6 months ago, I got a new job that had better benefits than I have ever had. The pay was decent, and I reaaaally needed the health insurance, which went into effect as soon as I started work. Things seemed a little too good to be true. I wondered why so many positions were open. Then two months into work, our company sees layoffs in the labs, and multiple resignations from higher up. Three months in, a person in management at my location also leaves. I had already been cross trained on two jobs to prepare for our administrative assistant to take maternity leave. On top of that, the guy they hired at the same time as me (same job title) couldn’t “understand computers,” so I ended up having to do his expense reports, and anything else electronic, which was a real pain. If he didn’t turn a receipt…

About 6 months ago, I got a new job that had better benefits than I have ever had. The pay was decent, and I reaaaally needed the health insurance, which went into effect as soon as I started work. Things seemed a little too good to be true. I wondered why so many positions were open. Then two months into work, our company sees layoffs in the labs, and multiple resignations from higher up. Three months in, a person in management at my location also leaves. I had already been cross trained on two jobs to prepare for our administrative assistant to take maternity leave. On top of that, the guy they hired at the same time as me (same job title) couldn’t “understand computers,” so I ended up having to do his expense reports, and anything else electronic, which was a real pain. If he didn’t turn a receipt or something in to me, it became a whole ordeal. Well since the guy above me quit, someone had to pick up his workload, which typically requires a bachelor’s in a relative field. They gave me the entirety of his workload, with one day’s worth of training. A little over a month into this new position, I get sick and visit the dr. The dr had me out from Friday through Tuesday. I had a note. While I was gone, they fired the guy with the same job title as me. They then told me that because I was having health problems, they would be moving my position again. They also wanted me to call in every day that I was out, despite having a dr’s note, and said that texts or emails were unacceptable. They never compensated me any differently than what they started me at.

What is it with people not wanting to work? Sheesh /s

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