
Good managers do exist

Thankfully, I have a manager that is pretty hands off on the people that he trusts to do their jobs. He's even told me that if I know how to handle something or need to make a decision on the ground then to run with it, and just keep him in the communication loop. Hell, he's even thanked me for taking on some of his workload because his boss wants him not doing as much of the day to day technical stuff and more on the administrative side. He and I both hate the big boss. I am the sole Telecom/Network Technician in my building and I have a huge office. Once a week, my boss will work out to my building to escape the rat's nest at HQ. He'll come over with pizza or sandwiches for the both of us and we'll shoot the shit. He knows I am…

Thankfully, I have a manager that is pretty hands off on the people that he trusts to do their jobs. He's even told me that if I know how to handle something or need to make a decision on the ground then to run with it, and just keep him in the communication loop. Hell, he's even thanked me for taking on some of his workload because his boss wants him not doing as much of the day to day technical stuff and more on the administrative side. He and I both hate the big boss.

I am the sole Telecom/Network Technician in my building and I have a huge office. Once a week, my boss will work out to my building to escape the rat's nest at HQ. He'll come over with pizza or sandwiches for the both of us and we'll shoot the shit. He knows I am a self-starter and don't need direction.

Just last week he told me that I would be getting a 10K salary bump and a promotion from a Tech III to a Tech IV effective Jan 1st and he had me sign the paperwork. I even got a bunch of new network admin privileges effective immediately. He also said that we are hiring 2 new techs and he would like them to train under me for 3 weeks. It will be nice having 2 more people to actively help with the workload while training them.

Having a good and decent manager can make even the shittiest job tolerable. I don't love what I do by any means but I don't dread going in because I am the captain of my own ship and my manager made that clear when he put me at the building.

TL;DR I work as an IT tech in my own building. My manager let's me be the captain of my ship and let's me run things as I see fit. He only comes by to visit me with pizza or sandwiches and to shoot the shit. Good managers do exist. When you have one, it makes even some of the worst jobs okay to go to.

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