
“Good money though” .. yeah right

I work at a major grocery chain as a florist. Everyone wants me to “get a real job” but guess what? I worked as a mental health case manager and that was incredibly taxing on me, especially because I myself am mentally ill and was making less there than I am here at a grocery store. Anyway, lately I've had to work a lot of overtime because I'm one of two people in the department and we are the only florists in a rich part of town. And the produce department is down people so they pull us to help a lot. One of the reasons I like this job is that it's very low stress compared to my other one, but lately theyve been working us way too much and asking us to do beyond our job requirements and go to other departments. This is normal for a grocery…

I work at a major grocery chain as a florist. Everyone wants me to “get a real job” but guess what? I worked as a mental health case manager and that was incredibly taxing on me, especially because I myself am mentally ill and was making less there than I am here at a grocery store.

Anyway, lately I've had to work a lot of overtime because I'm one of two people in the department and we are the only florists in a rich part of town. And the produce department is down people so they pull us to help a lot.

One of the reasons I like this job is that it's very low stress compared to my other one, but lately theyve been working us way too much and asking us to do beyond our job requirements and go to other departments. This is normal for a grocery store and I'm okay with it, but I'm tired of the constant overtime and being told “hey, it's good money though.”

It's not. 99% of the world is not being compensated properly. And in America, whether you're making 25 cents a bushel or 17 an hour, none of us are being paid fairly for our labor. It's not good money. I shouldnt have to work overtime to pay my bills. That's not good money. And even if it was, fuck that. What's the point of money if we have no time to spend it on things and experiences we enjoy? I'm so tired of the idea that overtime is good or worth it. It isn't and the American mentality is so riddled with worms for brains. My rent shouldnt increase every lease. My job, your job, everyone's job except the top 1% should pay more and honestly money shouldnt even exist. We created our own hell and for what? The stock market? Man…. humans are the dumbest animals on the planet

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