
Good news for a change, sortta

My neighbor’s garage caught fire and they lost a lot of what was in there including a classic car. The wife was on her way home early to take her grandson to the beach when she got the call from her employer that her house was on fire. They would not let her hang up until she was home. The fire was put out but they could not stay in the house because the power and gas had been shut off. Her employer put their family up in a hotel for the next two weeks.

My neighbor’s garage caught fire and they lost a lot of what was in there including a classic car. The wife was on her way home early to take her grandson to the beach when she got the call from her employer that her house was on fire. They would not let her hang up until she was home. The fire was put out but they could not stay in the house because the power and gas had been shut off. Her employer put their family up in a hotel for the next two weeks.

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