
Good thing candy can pay my……waaaaait a tick

So its DSP appreciation week at my work (I care for adults with ID/DD) and today our managers handed out our “gifts”. Its a takeout box like you typically get rice in from a Chinese restaurant with this inside: 2 lifesavers 2 knock off mini klondike thingies 2 pieces of gum 2 kit kats 2 smarties rolls 2 snickers 2 starburst Sorry but that doesnt make me feel appreciated guys, actually feels kinda condescending. I make 16$ an hour at my job, ive stopped 2 people from choking to death, i run the cooking club and semi regularly cook food for 60 something people including anytime someone retires or quits. We are critically understaffed, overworked and burned out. But instead of devoting money to i dunno retention bonuses or raising wages more they decide to spend a bunch of money on a pallet of random goods(i dont even know what…

So its DSP appreciation week at my work (I care for adults with ID/DD) and today our managers handed out our “gifts”. Its a takeout box like you typically get rice in from a Chinese restaurant with this inside:
2 lifesavers
2 knock off mini klondike thingies
2 pieces of gum
2 kit kats
2 smarties rolls
2 snickers
2 starburst

Sorry but that doesnt make me feel appreciated guys, actually feels kinda condescending. I make 16$ an hour at my job, ive stopped 2 people from choking to death, i run the cooking club and semi regularly cook food for 60 something people including anytime someone retires or quits. We are critically understaffed, overworked and burned out. But instead of devoting money to i dunno retention bonuses or raising wages more they decide to spend a bunch of money on a pallet of random goods(i dont even know what they were talking about but i heard it with my own ears) that was then put up for sale at our workshops “yard sale” and the rest of it going to a shop the company owns. They also decided to hold a day event at a state park and pay for entry and give shirts away. Not to mention the CEO decided to promote her then girlfriend now wife to a position that didnt exist until she made it up and decided it was work like 80k a year to do nothing. I do more in 5 minutes sitting on my ass browsing here then she has done in the entire almost 2 years ive worked here. Sorry for the long rant, i know in the grand scheme this is nothing to the problems others face I just needed to vent into the void cause things are about to DECLINEEEEEEEE at my workshop even more and im too empathetic to jump ship first.

One last thing: If someone in your life is a caregiver of any kind in any capacity please give them a hug. Love them especially hard right now cause things are rough out here and only gonna get worse. We are not okay and i shudder to think whats gonna happen in the next few months.

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