
Got 1000 dollars deducted from my pay for 6 days vacation

I work as a service writer at a luxury car dealership. My pay schedule is salary checks of 1200 dollars each on the 10th and 25th of the month, and my commission check on the 15th. I am on a guaranteed commission rate and should be receiving 2600 every 15th until they hire another mechanic for my brand. I took an approved vacation for 6 days. On the 10th I received my salary check, but instead of 1200 I was paid 480 dollars. I asked my management why this happened and he said they deduct 120$ for each day missed. Not happy about it, but I get it. Come to find out today they are also deducting ~300 dollars from my commission check as well because I missed those days. So altogether I’m losing around 1000 dollars for a 6 day vacation. I work 50 hours a week, am the…

I work as a service writer at a luxury car dealership. My pay schedule is salary checks of 1200 dollars each on the 10th and 25th of the month, and my commission check on the 15th. I am on a guaranteed commission rate and should be receiving 2600 every 15th until they hire another mechanic for my brand. I took an approved vacation for 6 days. On the 10th I received my salary check, but instead of 1200 I was paid 480 dollars. I asked my management why this happened and he said they deduct 120$ for each day missed. Not happy about it, but I get it. Come to find out today they are also deducting ~300 dollars from my commission check as well because I missed those days. So altogether I’m losing around 1000 dollars for a 6 day vacation. I work 50 hours a week, am the second highest earning writer at the dealership despite having fewer and less experienced mechanics working for me. I am always the first one to work and always the last to leave. I’ve already put applications in for other jobs and for a role that’s not especially fun it’s only a matter of time. But I can see that without me they’re going to lose A LOT more than the 1000 they won’t pay me. I’m angry and rambling so this may not make sense but I needed to get it off my chest

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