
Got a new boss RANT

So a year ago I got a job as the employment consultant for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in my area, (I also do regular care for clients when their staff aren't available). At the interview (with the 3 bosses) I sat down and told them straight up I need a regular schedule, I'm only available from 6am – 6pm, I need two days together off a week. When I was told that those terms were not acceptable I thanked them for their time and got up to leave. Fortunately one of them convinced me to stay and finish the interview, a week later I was offered the position. My boss was fantastic, she new her role and mine and how to treat me, I was allowed to work from home half the week and she trusted me to do my job. Sadly a month ago she decided to…

So a year ago I got a job as the employment consultant for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in my area, (I also do regular care for clients when their staff aren't available). At the interview (with the 3 bosses) I sat down and told them straight up I need a regular schedule, I'm only available from 6am – 6pm, I need two days together off a week. When I was told that those terms were not acceptable I thanked them for their time and got up to leave.

Fortunately one of them convinced me to stay and finish the interview, a week later I was offered the position. My boss was fantastic, she new her role and mine and how to treat me, I was allowed to work from home half the week and she trusted me to do my job. Sadly a month ago she decided to transfer to a different office closer to where she lives and I was transferred to one of the other bosses.

Since then I've had 1 day off a week, my schedule randomly changed daily, I've been formally warned that I'm not allowed to work from home, and basically I can't do my job anymore because I can't leave the office when I'm there. (Half my job is going out and meeting employers in the local community). To make things worse, our director is my new bosses mentor and has been grooming her to take the director position after she retires.

When I voiced my concern about all this the director told me my old boss shouldn't have allowed me to do what I do, and that she didn't have the authority to give me a set schedule or any of the “benefits” I'd been “taking advantage of”. Until now I've been very happy and proud of my job, when I started we had not had any clients get a job for 2 years, since then I've secured employment for 6 people.

She's a known bitch, scuttlebutt says she's driven off at least 20 new employees since then pandemic. It just blows my mind that still to this day employers think they can treat their employees like shit and get away with it, and I mean I'm THE EMPLOYMENT CONSULTANT for our entire area, my job is to find jobs, it's not like I can't find another one tomorrow morning, how are these people so blind and dumb to not realize that employees quit when treated poorly? But no, they think people quit because they just don't want to work.

Anyway, thanks for reading this far. I decided to quit today after I was “asked” to work at a residence all night and still come to the office at 6am tomorrow. I've already been offered a position at an elderly care facility when I was there job coaching for someone on my case load, I turned them down because I loved my job, but now not so much. So tomorrow morning I'm going to go talk to them instead of going to the office.

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