
Got accused of sleeping on the job today.

Please don’t be a fucking suck up to your manager and this is a bit of a rant. Today while in my office I decided to take a quick break. Now recently I had ACL surgery a few weeks ago and have gotten stiffness on my knee from sitting for a while, so I have to lay down on my office floor and do a quick stretch my PT gave me so I can he mobile if my job requires. He walked in I got startled because I didn’t expect anyone to see me on the ground doing stretches. It’s fine I thought. About an hour or so later, I got an IM from my manager saying I was sleeping on the job according to my coworker. I mentioned I was on the ground doing PT exercises to alleviate stiffness so I can be mobile when I had to. Thankfully…

Please don’t be a fucking suck up to your manager and this is a bit of a rant.

Today while in my office I decided to take a quick break. Now recently I had ACL surgery a few weeks ago and have gotten stiffness on my knee from sitting for a while, so I have to lay down on my office floor and do a quick stretch my PT gave me so I can he mobile if my job requires. He walked in I got startled because I didn’t expect anyone to see me on the ground doing stretches. It’s fine I thought.

About an hour or so later, I got an IM from my manager saying I was sleeping on the job according to my coworker. I mentioned I was on the ground doing PT exercises to alleviate stiffness so I can be mobile when I had to. Thankfully my manager says it’s no problem.

This a reminder to not fucking suck up by getting your fellow co-workers in trouble. I want to work and get a long with my coworkers. I have damn well seen him snoring in his office before and haven’t said a word and you bet I won’t hesitate if I see him do it again. Suck ups are just as bad a managers and are not tolerable.

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