
Got called selfish because I did not want to pick up a shift for a 2nd straight day off.

So I usually work Wednesday through Sunday holding down the evening shift (4-midnight). Now we’ve been having staffing issues, like most places, so I’ve been having to work extra hard on the 40 hrs I do work. Also, we have a newer( 4weeks now) older lady who is completely flabbergasted by essentially everything and makes it a dread to work around her constant mistakes, but she’s the sweetest thing. So I was told that I was gonna have to work Monday instead of last Friday, awesome!! I rarely get fridays off so this was a nice treat and change of pace…. So I thought. Older lady mentioned earlier got in a minor car accident Wednesday and ended up needing a couple days off to recover and yada yada so I offered to fill in Friday especially since I was promised I would be off and worked it all dandy and…

So I usually work Wednesday through Sunday holding down the evening shift (4-midnight). Now we’ve been having staffing issues, like most places, so I’ve been having to work extra hard on the 40 hrs I do work. Also, we have a newer( 4weeks now) older lady who is completely flabbergasted by essentially everything and makes it a dread to work around her constant mistakes, but she’s the sweetest thing.
So I was told that I was gonna have to work Monday instead of last Friday, awesome!! I rarely get fridays off so this was a nice treat and change of pace…. So I thought. Older lady mentioned earlier got in a minor car accident Wednesday and ended up needing a couple days off to recover and yada yada so I offered to fill in Friday especially since I was promised I would be off and worked it all dandy and such and worked through a tougher weekend.
So today (Monday) I get a call saying that I need to work tomorrow cuz all of the sudden the communication between the other employees is seemingly non existent and they can’t close Tuesday, so now I’m pressured into doing it. Now mind you, I worked 46 hrs last week and am now on 7 straight days of work, so I politely declined. Only to get called and berated by my boss, saying I always get 40 and am never asked to do any extra days( mind you I literally just worked my last “off day”) and I’m already there on a Monday. I got passive aggressively berated for 15 minutes and essentially got guilt tripped into doing it so that I can get a 4 day weekend request in 3 weeks. I anger cried for about half an hr and am ready to leave this garbage, but my pride and loyalty are preventing it, but I’ve never felt so under appreciated in my life. AITA here? (I know that is a diff sub but why not) apparently she doesn’t even have to ask and is allowed to do it so it was a “treat” that I was even asked. The dramatics were insane.

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