
Got cheated out of my wage in 1994 because people think you can’t talk about pay.

I’m from WV and like everybody else I went to NC for work. First job I got offered me 8 an hour. Good God I was rich. ( I wasn’t). Found out 3 months later starting pay was 10 an hour. HR got me cheap become I was making 5 and hour in WV. I made the mistake of being so happy at 8. Did it to all the other WVians that worked there. Discuss your wages it’s not illegal or immoral it’s smart.

I’m from WV and like everybody else I went to NC for work. First job I got offered me 8 an hour. Good God I was rich. ( I wasn’t). Found out 3 months later starting pay was 10 an hour. HR got me cheap become I was making 5 and hour in WV. I made the mistake of being so happy at 8. Did it to all the other WVians that worked there. Discuss your wages it’s not illegal or immoral it’s smart.

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