
got fired after applying for bereavement

Was fired the second to last day in September because I asked my employer if I could take bereavement after two subsequent deaths in my family. My boss said she would think about it and get back to me later that same day, My employer made it known that I needed to work the morning rush; while she deliberated about allowing my bereavement. I was just about to take my lunch my employer approved the request; my boss asked me to wait to go on my lunch while she got some paperwork done, about twenty-five minutes later she came to my desk and asked me to come with her; when I asked what this was about she said, “nothing bad” and took me up to the executive 3rd floor boardroom where I had originally had my initial interview. I was shocked to see multiple other people in the boardroom that…

Was fired the second to last day in September because I asked my employer if I could take bereavement after two subsequent deaths in my family.

My boss said she would think about it and get back to me later that same day,

My employer made it known that I needed to work the morning rush; while she deliberated about allowing my bereavement.

I was just about to take my lunch my employer approved the request; my boss asked me to wait to go on my lunch while she got some paperwork done, about twenty-five minutes later she came to my desk and asked me to come with her; when I asked what this was about she said, “nothing bad” and took me up to the executive 3rd floor boardroom where I had originally had my initial interview.

I was shocked to see multiple other people in the boardroom that I had never had interactions with and my boss asked me to take a seat and placed a box of tissues next to me before taking her seat.

TLDR; Was fired for asking for leave because of deaths in my family and boss brought tissues and multiple people to fire me after I worked more than half my shift and didn't get a lunch!

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