
Got fired at Amazon today…

So I’ve been having some really weird at troubles, when I get gas my car just won’t start and sometimes I have to pump the gas pedal but it doesn’t always work but especially when I get gas it does it the worst. This resulted in me being 7 minutes late last week, putting me 1 whole hour into negative unpaid time. I know it’s my fault for not ensuring my time got low but alas, we’re here a week later and it does the same thing so I submitted a claim as soon as I could this morning and I ended up being about 2 hours late because I was trying to jump my car off but I’m not sure if that was even the problem. I finally got here an hour away for them to tell me they have to go through with termination and took my badge…

So I’ve been having some really weird at troubles, when I get gas my car just won’t start and sometimes I have to pump the gas pedal but it doesn’t always work but especially when I get gas it does it the worst. This resulted in me being 7 minutes late last week, putting me 1 whole hour into negative unpaid time. I know it’s my fault for not ensuring my time got low but alas, we’re here a week later and it does the same thing so I submitted a claim as soon as I could this morning and I ended up being about 2 hours late because I was trying to jump my car off but I’m not sure if that was even the problem. I finally got here an hour away for them to tell me they have to go through with termination and took my badge and walked me out. I understand those people were just doing their job but I feel like a call or some sort of direct communication to the facility other than driving an hour could have been better. I have rent due in a week and car payments so I’m at a loss for what to do going forward and I’m still kind of numb sitting in the parking lot with basically no angles to go about this. I just needed somewhere to vent as this is a very sticky situation, and I’m not even sure the rules of this sub so apologies if this is against the rules in any way.

TL;DR I was a dumbass and couldn’t start my car and went into the negative, resulting in termination.

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