
Got fired because I didn’t have a place to sleep and couldn’t set an alarm…

My family and I were sleeping in a hotel room and I got a job paying 18.50 an hour. They promised I could get overtime which one as a big thing I needed because I was trying to prevent being homeless…yeah, never got that. I asked when I did the interview and they said I could start within the week and I called everyday to get an update. I eventually had to go up there and demand to talk to someone because it had been two weeks and had already been told I had the job, nobody knew when I was going in to start though. So my first day I realize this job is absolutely terrible. It's in a VERY hot part of the country and they don't have any air conditioning in the warehouse. Water is not allowed in the work area either. I toughed it out because…

My family and I were sleeping in a hotel room and I got a job paying 18.50 an hour. They promised I could get overtime which one as a big thing I needed because I was trying to prevent being homeless…yeah, never got that.

I asked when I did the interview and they said I could start within the week and I called everyday to get an update. I eventually had to go up there and demand to talk to someone because it had been two weeks and had already been told I had the job, nobody knew when I was going in to start though.

So my first day I realize this job is absolutely terrible. It's in a VERY hot part of the country and they don't have any air conditioning in the warehouse. Water is not allowed in the work area either. I toughed it out because like I said, don't want to be homeless ya know.

Anyways they count it as a no call no show if you don't call within thirty minutes of your shift starting. The only excuse is a family emergency. You literally don't even get sick days off, sick days come out of your vacation time and if you don't have vacation time your shit out of luck.

Well we ran out of money and it was about three days until I got my check from the first two weeks of me working there. The last day our hotel room was due and we didn't have the money for it so we ended up sleeping in a tent.

I woke up late because my phone had died, by the time i got it charged it was passed the deadline to call them and when I did he informed me I no longer had a job.

I explained I slept in a tent because I had nowhere to go and he insinuated that I was lying. He said he wasn't born yesterday and that I could have charged my phone enough to call earlier.

I told them I had kids, zero fucks given. Absolutely heartless.

So we took my last check and paid for gas to drive across the country to go move in with family…

Was I in the wrong? Maybe I could have charged my phone more or something and made sure I could wake up in time but idk. It seems like bullshit to me. Sleeping in a tent in 106° hear seems like it would qualify as a “family emergency” right? I'd that just me?

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