
Got fired by something I told the company BEFORE joining them

So, here's my situation: I'm 24 years old (M) in Spain, and started working since I was 20 as a junior accountant. After 4 years of experience, I have some knowledge in accountability but obviously there are some things I don't know how to do, one of them is taxes (we have several models to have in mind). After those 4 years got a message in LinkedIn to join a new company. Send them my resume and got an interview with them. In both interview and CV I made clear that I don't know how to present those taxes, that I have some academical knowledge but I have never done that by myself, being completely honest with them (I had 2 interviews, one with HR and the other with the Manager of the department) After that, got a mail with the offer to join them as JUNIOR accountant. I thought,…

So, here's my situation:

I'm 24 years old (M) in Spain, and started working since I was 20 as a junior accountant.

After 4 years of experience, I have some knowledge in accountability but obviously there are some things I don't know how to do, one of them is taxes (we have several models to have in mind).

After those 4 years got a message in LinkedIn to join a new company. Send them my resume and got an interview with them.

In both interview and CV I made clear that I don't know how to present those taxes, that I have some academical knowledge but I have never done that by myself, being completely honest with them (I had 2 interviews, one with HR and the other with the Manager of the department)

After that, got a mail with the offer to join them as JUNIOR accountant.

I thought, well, since I told them all my strengths and my weaknesses, surely they will be strict with the things I said I knew but they will teach me the ones I lack the most. But no.

After a first week when I was learning the new program and the business, the second week my direct boss arrives, without knowing my existence (she didn't knew that she was going to be my direct boss).

Tuesday morning had a meeting with her. I told her exactly what I told before joining them, all my strengths and weaknesses.

After 2 days of her being kinda annoying to me (there was a thing she taught me to do manually since I didn't knew it, and after learning it, she forced me to do it +100 times instead to do it automatically), today got a message by HR to go her office.

My surprise is that I'm informed that I'm getting fired for the lack of knowledge I told them BEFORE joining them (I would bet my life that my direct boss didn't want to teach me at all and decided to fire me).

The HR manager blamed herself for the bad management and gave me a contact of a friend of hers who is a recruiter, but for now I'm unemployed for the first time in years.

I feel really angry with all this.

For now I won't say the name of the company but I'm planning to sue them.

Now in Spain most contracts are indefinite contracts but with 2 months where both employer and employee can break the contract, but due this incompetence by the company I hope to get some compensation.

Thanks in advance

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