
Got fired for asking for a raise

I am a college student and worked at a local BBQ restaurant as a dishwasher for 11/hr. The Coworkers were good, but the owners, good god they sucked. The wife was constantly stressed and passive agressive AF. The husband had the ego the height of Everest. The husband constantly yelled at the employees if something was not pristine. I made sure to clean every pot and pan thoroughly and not miss any bits. So i got yelled at that i was going too slow. So i speed it up, and inevitably miss stuff, so i get yelled at to slow down and be thorough. Repeat that cycle until Friday. I was interviewing for some jobs and one i got accepted for was for 15/hr. It was closer and paid better. I knew i was quitting so I got ballsy and went to the wife to ask for a raise to…

I am a college student and worked at a local BBQ restaurant as a dishwasher for 11/hr. The Coworkers were good, but the owners, good god they sucked. The wife was constantly stressed and passive agressive AF. The husband had the ego the height of Everest. The husband constantly yelled at the employees if something was not pristine. I made sure to clean every pot and pan thoroughly and not miss any bits. So i got yelled at that i was going too slow. So i speed it up, and inevitably miss stuff, so i get yelled at to slow down and be thorough. Repeat that cycle until Friday. I was interviewing for some jobs and one i got accepted for was for 15/hr. It was closer and paid better. I knew i was quitting so I got ballsy and went to the wife to ask for a raise to 15/hr and explained that i had an offer for that much and would be leaving unless they could match. She laughed and stated that 'we are not a corporate company'. IDC if youre a corporate company or not, other places are paying more and pulling your workforce from you and you wont pay to match. The husband comes back from a catering order at 12:45 and gives me a lecture about 'not walking into my restaurant and giving ultimatums' he told me to go home and he would mail me my paycheck. At that point i just took my apron off as he was still lecturing and walked out. i had a much better job lined up anyways.

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