
got fired for asking for more hours

Title. I worked at a garbage dumpster fire business that sells pizza and shit and has a name of an old old school toy that kids spend hours setting up. Fuck it. Its dominos. I used to work at dominos. When i got hired on I was promised atleast 20 hours. The gm that promised me got replaced because shit company thought she was a bad manager. Then they hired some dick who has no experience being a gm much less a manager as this 'gm' would spend most of their time in back. Not helping during a rush and the like. Well. I got down to 8. To 4. Asked for more hours. Got bumped back up to 8. Then dropped to 4. So I started showing up for whatever shift I could take. Cue one week where I ask a friend to send me the schedule. My friend…

Title. I worked at a garbage dumpster fire business that sells pizza and shit and has a name of an old old school toy that kids spend hours setting up. Fuck it. Its dominos. I used to work at dominos. When i got hired on I was promised atleast 20 hours. The gm that promised me got replaced because shit company thought she was a bad manager. Then they hired some dick who has no experience being a gm much less a manager as this 'gm' would spend most of their time in back. Not helping during a rush and the like. Well. I got down to 8. To 4. Asked for more hours. Got bumped back up to 8. Then dropped to 4. So I started showing up for whatever shift I could take. Cue one week where I ask a friend to send me the schedule. My friend sends me the schedule and I'm not on it. So I send a message to shitty GM since ive been told hes doing the scheduling. He says he'll look into it. Look into it? Arent you doing it? Whatever. It shouldnt be a problem. I work every position besides driver. I'm usually stuck doing oven because most hate it for some reason. I never have the chance to much of anything when I'm working oven. I cant stop oven to take a phone call during a rush. I cant work line when I'm doing oven. Not when theres 5 doing the line. So why am I not on the schedule? Well i get a message later that day from my friend who sent me the schedule that I'm being fired. Reason? Not working the line enough. I cant make dough but if the dough is already made I can make the pizzas. The week before I told the GM that I needed more hours so I can pay my bills and if i cant get enough here that I was going to some other place. I guess the GM doesnt like it when a number demands hours.

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