
Got fired for wanting to work the 2-3 shifts I said I wanted to work in the interview

First of all, burner account just in case. I’m a Highschooler so naturally I don’t want to work more than 3 shifts. I applied to a local pizza place, and during the interview told them I wanted only 2-3 shifts. Get hired and First week I’m not even on the schedule and I just get barely a days notice of when they want me to work, naturally this annoys me a bit so I ask when am I going to be on the schedule, the co owner says “next week when the other owner comes in since he’s the one that does the scheduling”. First week goes smoothly, fast forward to this week. He asks me to come in Labor Day Monday, THE DAY OF, when I already told him I was out of town, so he asks if I could come in Tuesday. Eventually I get a little frustrated…

First of all, burner account just in case. I’m a Highschooler so naturally I don’t want to work more than 3 shifts. I applied to a local pizza place, and during the interview told them I wanted only 2-3 shifts. Get hired and First week I’m not even on the schedule and I just get barely a days notice of when they want me to work, naturally this annoys me a bit so I ask when am I going to be on the schedule, the co owner says “next week when the other owner comes in since he’s the one that does the scheduling”. First week goes smoothly, fast forward to this week. He asks me to come in Labor Day Monday, THE DAY OF, when I already told him I was out of town, so he asks if I could come in Tuesday. Eventually I get a little frustrated of this day of bullshit so I ask when I’m going to be put on the schedule, and he says Tuesday. I come in Tuesday and the other manager isn’t there AND HE DOESN’T PUT ME ON THE SCHEDULE. So Tuesday I say alright when do you want me to work, and he says every day of this week, so I say no I want only 2-3 shifts like I said during the interview, and he says “well I don’t know what you asked for during the interview but come in tomorrow”. So I tell him “hey I have a school sporting event, I can come in but it will be later”. He later sends me a nasty text about how they need someone with more availability and how every time he asks me to come in I’m busy. To add he accused me of stealing from the tip jar when all I did was switch out a dollar from my wallet for a cool old dollar in the tip jar.

So yeah any thoughts on this?

Edit: Forgot to add when I sent him a reply text about how unfair this was he read it and didn’t answer back

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