
Got fired for writing “your boss hates that he has to pay you at all” on a whiteboard at work

For context, I gave roughly two months of notice that I would be quitting once my apartment's lease was up. My last day was originally going to be ten days from now. Yesterday was my last day of work before my “weekend.” Financial woes and an overall very stressful day at work led me to the above, was more or less me impulsively acting out. About two hours ago, on my day off, I got a call from management. “/u/Shamus_Aran, do you know anything about someone writing that we don't want to pay them?” Yes, that was me. “May I ask why you wrote that?” Primarily because of stress boiling over and difficulties making rent, etc. “Okay. Have you talked with [your specific manager] about pay?” I have. “Alright. Thank you for your honesty. We'll talk further when you come back to work Wednesday.” The call ends and I'm not…

For context, I gave roughly two months of notice that I would be quitting once my apartment's lease was up. My last day was originally going to be ten days from now.

Yesterday was my last day of work before my “weekend.” Financial woes and an overall very stressful day at work led me to the above, was more or less me impulsively acting out.

About two hours ago, on my day off, I got a call from management.

/u/Shamus_Aran, do you know anything about someone writing that we don't want to pay them?”

Yes, that was me.

“May I ask why you wrote that?”

Primarily because of stress boiling over and difficulties making rent, etc.

“Okay. Have you talked with [your specific manager] about pay?”

I have.

“Alright. Thank you for your honesty. We'll talk further when you come back to work Wednesday.”

The call ends and I'm not particularly worried. Again, I'm quitting in less than two weeks anyway. I got another call a few minutes ago, basically saying that while they do appreciate my honesty I am being terminated immediately. They're paying out the remainder of my notice and HR will talk with me about where I go from here.

I'm wondering how this affects unemployment, as before I was quitting but now I've been fired. In addition, I'm concerned about a possible free speech violation. While I work in an at-will state, in principle writing a message on a whiteboard shouldn't be grounds for termination, should it?

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