
Got fired from a job I loved because I wasnt a “great fit.”

Why I believe I was let go: I was a graphic web designer/office administrator. Went to school for graphic design, however I struggled with the reception part of the office administration. (Supervisor saw me making spark notes on my on volition on how to improve though) Absences. I unfortunately got covid and had to miss a week and a half because even after I was negative, I still had symptoms, and this place is super strict about not showing up if you even have a slight covid symptom. Was explicitely told not to come to work. Why I'm pissed: No warning or anything. However when I did something wrong they let me know right then and there, the only thing though, is not once did they bring me in to say “hey we are noticing you are struggling with this, here is how we'd like you to improve” or “hey…

Why I believe I was let go:

  1. I was a graphic web designer/office administrator. Went to school for graphic design, however I struggled with the reception part of the office administration. (Supervisor saw me making spark notes on my on volition on how to improve though)

  2. Absences.
    I unfortunately got covid and had to miss a week and a half because even after I was negative, I still had symptoms, and this place is super strict about not showing up if you even have a slight covid symptom.
    Was explicitely told not to come to work.

Why I'm pissed:

No warning or anything. However when I did something wrong they let me know right then and there, the only thing though, is not once did they bring me in to say “hey we are noticing you are struggling with this, here is how we'd like you to improve” or “hey the amount of absences is becoming a problem and we may have to terminate you. If further days are missed”
Nothing like that. So much for “We are here to help you every step of the way.”

Everyone seemed super impressed and happy with my web design. With the covid absences they seemed super understanding “things like this happen.” Everyone even commented how sick I still sounded when I came back.

When they brought me in to hear the news (of course at the end of the day) I asked if theres any critisim they could provide me going forward as to what I struggled with or what to improve on. They gave me nothing. They just said ” it wasn't a great fit.”

For once in my life I felt like I might be a successful adult, getting a job in which I'd be doing stuff in my field. Having a job that doesnt make me want to jump off a bridge. Well goodbye to that. The fact that they couldnt even get a good fucking reason why is what pissed me off the most.

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