
Got fired from my new job within 3 weeks, no warnings, just a sick leave that got me kicked out

After an ugly seperation and custody fight over my twin children, I finally managed to get a new job with good pay. I didn't like the pretext surrounding ti, being a trained journalist, to write about luxury watches, jewellery and furcoats. But I did the job and I wrote them their texts nearly 14 hours a day – because my precedessor left / got fired from this position without finishing an 20k watch catalogue which was due to get in print in the end of august. So essentially they expected me to finish a product that was already late to begin with, before I even got started. And dont get me started on their covid protection – none. The graphic designer I met in the first 3 days got covid instantly. I got told to NOT test myself and continue working. Open office, no way to work without avoiding sick…

After an ugly seperation and custody fight over my twin children, I finally managed to get a new job with good pay. I didn't like the pretext surrounding ti, being a trained journalist, to write about luxury watches, jewellery and furcoats. But I did the job and I wrote them their texts nearly 14 hours a day – because my precedessor left / got fired from this position without finishing an 20k watch catalogue which was due to get in print in the end of august. So essentially they expected me to finish a product that was already late to begin with, before I even got started.

And dont get me started on their covid protection – none. The graphic designer I met in the first 3 days got covid instantly. I got told to NOT test myself and continue working.

Open office, no way to work without avoiding sick co workers. The top manager doesnt allow work from home options anymore as for him, Covid is over. And everyone 3 times vaccinated who still gets it is obviously just weak person overall.

Fast forward to the start of last week: A biker hit me on my way to work (me walking). This caused my hand / fingers to turn around to 90 degrees up where they were supposed to be.

I still didnt call an ambulance or go to hospital or see a doctor but went to my workplace first. They all saw how fucked up my hand was. Coworker told me that I cannot work like this and should immediatly go to an emergency room. Several hours and one x-ray later it turns out that my middle finger is broken, two other fingers have some kind of nerve damage due to swelling – and they also found a cyst, which could be cancer.

My prime care doctor wrote me sick for the next 3 weeks to let my writing hand heal and do the necessary checkups.

Wonder what happens next? I send in my doctors notice to my boss. No answer.

One day later I get an lawyers email telling me that my position is now terminated immedietly and to return the company shit. I returned it wanting to speak with the upper manager – who declined to talk to me. Instead his little puppy 2nd grade manager talked to me and told me I was not “economically profitable” and that my writing is far too intellectual / academic and thus too slow and that I should have just copy and pasted the PR material they got sent from all those luxury clock or jewellery makers. Which is exactly what they told me NOT to do on my first day.

I am still in shock. Checking the laws, it is unfortunately legal what those fuckers did. In a world with a glimpse of humanity it is still shocking to get fired because of a sudden medical emergency.

I honestly don't know how to continue in this toxic environment that calls itself “media”. No one wants critical thinkers, writers, journalists. And even in terms of advertising its all copy and paste and every fucking 20k watch is the best and every furcoat was made enviromentally friendly. And they care “so much” and are “like a family”. Yet the moment I become unable to work for some weeks – because of my walk to said workplace – and I'm erased from the system again.

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