
Got fired on Thursday. Stopped in today to drop off a birthday cake and…

Tldr at the bottom So I used to work at a car dealership as a lot porter. Basically all I did was greet people who brought their cars in for service, put plastic and a floor mat in so it would stay somewhat clean, then parked it where it was supposed to go. It was an easy job for $12.50/hour, 40 hours a week. Anyway, after a few months I was starting to get bored because I was doing the same thing every day. I worked pretty closely with the service advisors, so I knew they made pretty decent money(one made $123k last year). So I started saying how I wanted to be a service advisor, just giving little hints and stuff because I knew this company liked to promote from within and shit. Talked about this with my boss once, then with his boss a few weeks later; my…

Tldr at the bottom

So I used to work at a car dealership as a lot porter. Basically all I did was greet people who brought their cars in for service, put plastic and a floor mat in so it would stay somewhat clean, then parked it where it was supposed to go.

It was an easy job for $12.50/hour, 40 hours a week.

Anyway, after a few months I was starting to get bored because I was doing the same thing every day. I worked pretty closely with the service advisors, so I knew they made pretty decent money(one made $123k last year). So I started saying how I wanted to be a service advisor, just giving little hints and stuff because I knew this company liked to promote from within and shit.

Talked about this with my boss once, then with his boss a few weeks later; my bosses' boss went as far as giving me a copy of the book he wrote about car sales(because as an advisor you have to sell your customers on repairs and the like), told me to read a few chapters and if it was still something I wanted to do to come back and let him know. Cool, took it home, read a few chapters, told him that is what I wanted. He said OK, told me to finish the book, then he would get me into the training program. Again, cool, read the remainder of the book over the next few days. Told him a few days later that I finished it.

Never heard a word after that.

Went back to continuing to do my job.

Had a second talk with my boss, more or less saying that I was unhappy, needed to do something else because this job wasn't stimulating(legit a monkey could do this job), etc.

He said I “wasn't ready” because I “got stressed” or some such bullshit. Didn't give me any examples as to what he meant and seemed pretty surprised that no one had told me that.

Whatever, went back to work. Was pretty apathetic after that. Still came in to work and worked, but I honestly didn't really give a shit anymore.

Long story short, got called into the office on Thursday and was told I was fired because I was seen updating my resume using company property and I was unhappy working there.

Fine, whatever.

Hadn't expected to be fired, and was expecting to work today, so I ordered my favorite service advisor a cake for her birthday that is tomorrow.

Went in this morning to drop it off and say bye and I learned that one of the other lot porters(there were 3 of us, plus a greeter total) had put her 2 weeks in because they fired me. LOL

I feel bad for the service advisors(except for one, she was a bitch) because the reamining lot porter is lazy asf, shows up late every day and disappears to do who the fuck knows what all the time.

Tl;dr – Got fired because I got caught updating my resume and one of the remaining 2 lot porters put her 2 weeks in because I got fired.

Also, I looked at their job listings last week thinking maybe I could do something else in the company and they've been looking for another lot porter for a while. LOL

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