
Got Former Boss to Lose Ownership of his Restaurant

This was back a few years ago, but I worked as a server/bartender at a small Greek restaurant. Very small, casual place. The owner, Angelo, however, was a nightmare. You never knew if you'd get him in a nice mood, or a foul mood when you walked in. I was initially hired as a bartender, but because I was/am very young, and look even younger, the men who would come in were 30s-40s, and while they were happy with me, Angelo wanted to have someone more…enticing behind the bar, so he hired a 30-something lady Lea (very obviously had a lot of plastic surgery done, but she was the nicest, and we got along well), and gradually I was reduced to just serving and was thus 'forbidden' behind the bar. After that, Angelo hired another girl even younger than me, named Chelsea to work as a server as well. Since…

This was back a few years ago, but I worked as a server/bartender at a small Greek restaurant. Very small, casual place. The owner, Angelo, however, was a nightmare. You never knew if you'd get him in a nice mood, or a foul mood when you walked in.

I was initially hired as a bartender, but because I was/am very young, and look even younger, the men who would come in were 30s-40s, and while they were happy with me, Angelo wanted to have someone more…enticing behind the bar, so he hired a 30-something lady Lea (very obviously had a lot of plastic surgery done, but she was the nicest, and we got along well), and gradually I was reduced to just serving and was thus 'forbidden' behind the bar.

After that, Angelo hired another girl even younger than me, named Chelsea to work as a server as well. Since at that point I'd been serving for 3 years, he asked me to train her. Sweet girl, but wasn't really cut out for it. Almost every shift I had with Chelsea, Angelo would call her back and chew her out, cussing at her and calling her names. At the end of almost every shift, I would find her crying in the back because of what Angelo said. Got to the point where Angelo would call me to the back, name call Chelsea and tell me to tell her things like, 'She's a lazy b****! Go, go tell her that!' I never did, obviously.

Came to a head one day where I was working with Lea and she asked me to get some hot sauce for the drinks, but there was none. Just an empty box. I told Lea, and she said to tell Angelo. Was in the middle of a dinner rush, and Angelo yelled at me to get the box. I did, and he took the empty box and threw it at me, missing by only a bit. He started screaming at me that it was my fault for not telling him that we were out, I was lazy, ect.,

One of the things Angelo often did was smoke his cigarettes in the back while cooking, near the stove, prep areas, ect., and he would also invite his friends and regular customers to the back to smoke and drink as well. This happened almost every day, and the place smelled like smoke. Mind you, this is illegal and a health complaint. This is only the surface of the issues. Lea, nice as she was, had had several people drive home drunk on her shift while serving, had nearly gotten fined for overserving when the random local alcohol and gaming inspectors would come by to check. Was so bad, one of our regulars drove home drunk and almost killed someone.

After that incident, I went with my ex-husband at the time, and he took me to go hand in my two weeks' notice. I was too scared to go alone, had a panic attack, left the letter on the bar and ran out.

A day later after I had calmed down, I called the local health inspection and told them about Angelo, his smoking in the back, and how I was concerned. Also mentioned he let random people in the back kitchen also to smoke. They noted my complaint and a few weeks later while I was driving through that part of town, I saw the restaurant had changed to a new name, and I casually went in, saw some of the same staff as before, and they said Angelo got in huge trouble, was fined through the roof and the ownership had changed. A local had bought the place, and it was better than working under Angelo. Dunno what happened to him though. Never said it was me who filed the complaint.

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