
Got ghosted after two (seemingly great) interviews

I recently graduated college and I’m struggling to find work, especially in my field (PR/marketing in the music business). I found this year long contract on Indeed for a job working with a company that helps low-income communities get, prepare for and keep jobs. I would be running the company’s multiple social media accounts. They pay was not good (40k a year and I’d somehow have to make that work in New York City) and it wasn’t necessarily relevant to my field but I was curious anyway because i’m passionate about things like that and it seemed like good experience. But basically I’d be overworked and underpaid So what do you know, i get picked for an interview. It’s my first interview since graduating college and I prepared a lot the days before, and I ended up getting a second interview. I went through the second interview and they said…

I recently graduated college and I’m struggling to find work, especially in my field (PR/marketing in the music business). I found this year long contract on Indeed for a job working with a company that helps low-income communities get, prepare for and keep jobs. I would be running the company’s multiple social media accounts.

They pay was not good (40k a year and I’d somehow have to make that work in New York City) and it wasn’t necessarily relevant to my field but I was curious anyway because i’m passionate about things like that and it seemed like good experience. But basically I’d be overworked and underpaid

So what do you know, i get picked for an interview. It’s my first interview since graduating college and I prepared a lot the days before, and I ended up getting a second interview. I went through the second interview and they said that I was looking great and they could say with confidence that I’d be a great fit for the job, whatever. They tell me they’d get back to me by the following Tuesday about a decision at the latest.

Well Tuesday came and went , and I never got so much as an email saying “you didn’t get the position”. They hyped me up, seemed excited about what I could bring to the table, and they just..never told me where I stand. Obviously i can infer now that I didn’t get the job seeing as the contract would have started two weeks ago, but seriously, why even bother being all happy and excited about both of my interviews and then just GHOST ME.

I’ve applied to over 150 jobs in the last two months, and while I might not have gotten interviews with any of those, at least send me a rejection email. AT LEAST. It’s so frustrating that all of these employers keep saying “No OnE wANtS tO WoRK” but won’t even allow the courtesy of sending an email at ALL. No response, nothing from over 150 companies I applied to. And the fact that that company I actually somehow got an interview with just decided to not even send me an email saying “thanks for interviewing but we’re not accepting you” is just annoying and so unprofessional.

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