
Got ghosted for an interview. 6 days later they ask me to reschedule. What do I say?

Basically title. I had an interview for Sea World. I am extremely qualified for the job and was confident I would be offered the position. The interview was scheduled for last week and was over Zoom. I log on at the scheduled time and….. nothing. No one joins. After 5 minutes I double check that I have the right date and time. I do. I wait until the end of our scheduled interview time. He never showed up. Meanwhile I continued refreshing my email and had my phone next to me. No word from them. I called and left a voicemail confirming what our scheduled interview time was and that I was still interested in the position. I also sent an email saying I tried to contact them via phone but was unsuccessful and reiterated my message. I had no response for SIX DAYS. I had moved on from the…

Basically title. I had an interview for Sea World. I am extremely qualified for the job and was confident I would be offered the position. The interview was scheduled for last week and was over Zoom.

I log on at the scheduled time and….. nothing. No one joins. After 5 minutes I double check that I have the right date and time. I do. I wait until the end of our scheduled interview time. He never showed up. Meanwhile I continued refreshing my email and had my phone next to me. No word from them.

I called and left a voicemail confirming what our scheduled interview time was and that I was still interested in the position. I also sent an email saying I tried to contact them via phone but was unsuccessful and reiterated my message.

I had no response for SIX DAYS. I had moved on from the position and just considered them extremely unprofessional. But this morning. I get an email saying he’s “extremely sorry but (he) was out of the office sick last week and is just catching up on emails. Look out for an email later to reschedule the interview! ” yes. Emoji and all.

I could not believe it. My interview was supposed to be 6 days ago!!! I heard nothing from them!! I am torn between telling them to fuck off and doing the interview because on the one hand they shouldn’t treat me like this and it’s only a sign as to how I will get treated as an employee but on the other hand they are offering me a $4 raise from my current job and I need the money. But also fuck sea world.

Would love to know what y’all think.

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