
Got hired then ghosted

I'm a bartender. Not a job I see often in this sub. so I thought I'd start with that. I'm not sure for all places in the US, But my location is still one of those where “everywhere is hiring” due to more people leaving the industry after/during covid. Almost everywhere except the truly fantastic places with almost zero turn over are either constantly hiring or just running their staff to the bone and refuse to hire. I've recently worked for both types in the past. A nightmare either way if you ask me. I decided to try my luck at one of those zero turn over bars. They're a great community bar. Everyone from local artists and bands to randos off the street hang out there. Its nice. Anyway, I get lucky and get the interview. Then I get a call back. Then I get the job and do…

I'm a bartender. Not a job I see often in this sub. so I thought I'd start with that.

I'm not sure for all places in the US, But my location is still one of those where “everywhere is hiring” due to more people leaving the industry after/during covid. Almost everywhere except the truly fantastic places with almost zero turn over are either constantly hiring or just running their staff to the bone and refuse to hire. I've recently worked for both types in the past. A nightmare either way if you ask me.

I decided to try my luck at one of those zero turn over bars. They're a great community bar. Everyone from local artists and bands to randos off the street hang out there. Its nice. Anyway, I get lucky and get the interview. Then I get a call back. Then I get the job and do all the paperwork. While on my way out of the offices one day, I'm asked when I could start. I tell them I'm free anytime after that coming weekend, but I would absolutely be out of town that weekend. Get a nice “okay you should hear from us in a day or two.”

Its been a week and a half now. They're apparently telling others they're fully staffed and won't be hiring again for some months. (I had a friend try and apply to work with me.) I don't know if I'm just paranoid or what, but a week and half of zero contact sounds feels like I was ignored. The other staff, some friends of mine, are still over worked and complain about short staffing problems.

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