
Got in trouble cause if a coworkers childish joke at work.

My coordinator started a “Joke of the week” on a whiteboard in our office. She couldn't keep it up so I took it over and changed it every second day. Other departments would purposefully swing by to check it out daily cause they loved it. I received some “Newfie” jokes from my family (Canadian province) and put a couple up. Got reprimanded with “what if someone here is from newfoundland?”. My reply being “yes, my family and the ones who gave me those jokes”. Fast forward 5 or so months of no problems and we got seasonals. They start putting up jokes too. I always wrote mine on the very top in blue. Short guy always did the bottom in green. He put up a joke he told his son the other day, “Pirate goes to the doc with a wheel stuck to his lap. Says to the doc 'Arrrr,…

My coordinator started a “Joke of the week” on a whiteboard in our office. She couldn't keep it up so I took it over and changed it every second day. Other departments would purposefully swing by to check it out daily cause they loved it.

I received some “Newfie” jokes from my family (Canadian province) and put a couple up. Got reprimanded with “what if someone here is from newfoundland?”. My reply being “yes, my family and the ones who gave me those jokes”.

Fast forward 5 or so months of no problems and we got seasonals. They start putting up jokes too. I always wrote mine on the very top in blue. Short guy always did the bottom in green. He put up a joke he told his son the other day, “Pirate goes to the doc with a wheel stuck to his lap. Says to the doc 'Arrrr, this be drivin me nuts' “.

I watched my manager read it, get mad and hunt me down. Got reprimanded and told to remove the joke. The white board was soon after removed all together.

Fast forward a little bit and a different coworker was allowed to tell jokes at the safety meeting. He opens up with “As a scientist I will be doing a study on beastiality. If anyone needs me I will be in my lab”.

My manager laughed and laughed. He was soon after given special jobs which led to a promotion.

TL:DR. I got in trouble for a coworkers kid joke while a different coworker got promoted for a raunchy one.

**Bonus: Same manager called me insubordinate at a work appreciation lunch because I did NOT want them singing me Happy Birthday. He forced them too. Was very awkward for all.

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