
Got “let go” after 2.7 years and people are messaging me like nothing happened?

(Originally posted this to /jobs) but it fits better here and I’ll add more details. I got hired at this company 2.7 years ago after college. I worked in marketing, and they fired the VP of marketing 2 weeks into me working there. Leaving me to be the only marketing person for 2 years. Then they hired a director of marketing in December and ended up letting him go in April. After this happened I questioned my job security. They told me less than two weeks ago that my position is safe and not to worry. Well, last Friday HR called me and they decided to “eliminate my position”, meaning they aren’t even going to hire for it anymore and aren’t going to have an internal marketing team? She said that she doesn’t expect me to work but they will pay me through the end of the month. Then I’ve…

(Originally posted this to /jobs) but it fits better here and I’ll add more details.

I got hired at this company 2.7 years ago after college. I worked in marketing, and they fired the VP of marketing 2 weeks into me working there. Leaving me to be the only marketing person for 2 years. Then they hired a director of marketing in December and ended up letting him go in April. After this happened I questioned my job security. They told me less than two weeks ago that my position is safe and not to worry. Well, last Friday HR called me and they decided to “eliminate my position”, meaning they aren’t even going to hire for it anymore and aren’t going to have an internal marketing team? She said that she doesn’t expect me to work but they will pay me through the end of the month. Then I’ve got the CEO and another sales person emailing me and pinging me with requests….like???? I thought my job was done here. Y’all fired me? Why would I do any more work for a company that has screwed me over multiple times and lied straight to my face? I’m not shocked but at the same time I am that they could stoop this low.

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