
Got Red Carded at Bars Program. Failed!

For anyone who doesn’t know, they’re like secret shoppers at retail and they hire 21-25 year olds (apparently when I looked it up online). Been working at Publix (grocery store) for a few months. I got moved to Customer Service. I hate customer service but I’m sucking it up as I am resigning in a month (little to their knowledge) because my lease is up and I can’t afford the area anymore. So I’m moving to another state. Anyway, I can’t stand selling lottery and cigarettes. I hate it with a passion. I HATE IT! For 8 hours I’m working up there, and I get someone who looked older to me. He didn’t look like a high schooler or kid. Just a regular guy – not like a parent but not underage at all. Just a regular young man. He bought some kind of tobacco wrap/blunt thing. Found out because…

For anyone who doesn’t know, they’re like secret shoppers at retail and they hire 21-25 year olds (apparently when I looked it up online).

Been working at Publix (grocery store) for a few months. I got moved to Customer Service. I hate customer service but I’m sucking it up as I am resigning in a month (little to their knowledge) because my lease is up and I can’t afford the area anymore. So I’m moving to another state. Anyway, I can’t stand selling lottery and cigarettes. I hate it with a passion. I HATE IT!

For 8 hours I’m working up there, and I get someone who looked older to me. He didn’t look like a high schooler or kid. Just a regular guy – not like a parent but not underage at all. Just a regular young man. He bought some kind of tobacco wrap/blunt thing.

Found out because I didn’t take his license he told my manager, and I got a red card and had to sign this thing I talked to my manager. Not even sure if he was underage. But online it says they’re 21-25, so technically I was right, he was of legal age. Apparently minors can’t participate in this.

But anyway, he told on me. My manager explained everyone needs to be checked if they look under 40. I check people all day long. And who knows maybe a few times I did get their ages wrong, but I try to judge as best I can. Like one person said to me “I think that person is underage”. My guess was she was 30. I was right. She was 31. So I guess unless they look like an old feeble grandpa/grandma I’m checking them, because clearly I can’t tell who is what age.

I’m honestly trying to stick it out until Halloween and then I’m moving on to another state and I’m done with Publix. This place isn’t for me and I hate retail. And I hate helping people feed into their addictions, it doesn’t make me feel good or happy.

I don’t get paid enough to deal with this. I ask people for their ID’s all the freaking time. And one of the few times I didn’t I get in trouble – but of course! How about stop selling lottery and tobacco at grocery stores and we can all avoid this and be happy? That would work! Don’t you think?

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