
Got shitted on for wanting to have scheduled hours. What are your stories of being treated like a shit?

Yeah so basically I'm a waiter at this pizzeria place. I joined the team two weeks ago so didn't really know how all this working thing works. Got scheduled for 10:30AM, I thought it was neat since I'll have a free evening. Nope. I was made to stay there till 9PM so as you may imagine, I got pretty pissed off. Asked my boss why did that happen and if I could have it scheduled better, so I work for example for eight hours and not 'we'll see how long'. Again, nope. Apparently it's my fault we're understaffed and I should never ask for it again because my boss 'doesn't like being ordered'. My brother in christ, I was just telling you for how long I'll be available? Like I don't give a shit nobody wants to work there, if I'm to work for three people, pay me for free…

Yeah so basically I'm a waiter at this pizzeria place. I joined the team two weeks ago so didn't really know how all this working thing works. Got scheduled for 10:30AM, I thought it was neat since I'll have a free evening. Nope. I was made to stay there till 9PM so as you may imagine, I got pretty pissed off. Asked my boss why did that happen and if I could have it scheduled better, so I work for example for eight hours and not 'we'll see how long'. Again, nope. Apparently it's my fault we're understaffed and I should never ask for it again because my boss 'doesn't like being ordered'. My brother in christ, I was just telling you for how long I'll be available? Like I don't give a shit nobody wants to work there, if I'm to work for three people, pay me for free people's worth of work. During last two days I've been working for over twenty hours and I'm literally so fucking exhausted I can't fall asleep. Anyway, what are your stories?

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