
Got Told all the Higher Ups hate me [For doing what I was told]

There have been errors happening in a sister department at our facility. I reported them to the supervisor of that department. Nothing happened. I told the manager. He told me I was wrong. The issues were affected my work because we get the units they do. The company we work for asked me about it since they thought it was my error. I told them no, it was the other department and this is what's happening (xyz). That caused a big ruckus. 2 weeks later the company we work for AND our company's Engineer manager told me any errors I find I need to report them before doing anything directly to “Kelly” (who is from the company we work for). I told this to my supervisor and manager. They were fine with it. Error 1 & 2 rolls in. I showed my Supervisor and told him I need to send…

There have been errors happening in a sister department at our facility. I reported them to the supervisor of that department. Nothing happened. I told the manager. He told me I was wrong. The issues were affected my work because we get the units they do.

The company we work for asked me about it since they thought it was my error. I told them no, it was the other department and this is what's happening (xyz). That caused a big ruckus.

2 weeks later the company we work for AND our company's Engineer manager told me any errors I find I need to report them before doing anything directly to “Kelly” (who is from the company we work for). I told this to my supervisor and manager. They were fine with it.

Error 1 & 2 rolls in. I showed my Supervisor and told him I need to send this email to Kelly. He shook his head because he couldn't believe the other departments stupidity but said yeah send it to Kelly.

So I did. I then told my manager I sent that email and cc d him in it. He said that was fine.

Few days later I'm told by my Supervisor we cant email Kelly anymore and ANY issue we find needs to be brought directly to him or my manager.

Today my manager comes up to me saying all the Higher ups in our company are pissed off at me and I need to come to him or my supervisor before sending anything to Kelly. Kept saying how mad they were at ME.

I'm seriously getting blamed and hated for another departments mistake…

To recap:

I told that departments Supervisor and she didn't care! I told her/my manager and he didn't care!

Then our company finds out by looking through MY products and me saying it was not my department dont blame us, it was previous. Then company finds all the errors caused by that department which causes a big stink.

I find more errors and am instructed by a high level manager and the company we work for to report ANY errors directly to Kelly.

Before doing so I tell my Supervisor. Who was completely okay with it because that's what I was told to do. I send the email as told. Then inform my supervisor who said OKAY THATS FINE.

Then I guess the higher ups found out because Kelly told them so they're pissed AT ME

Why not the Supervisor of that department? Or the manager? Why is everything always on me

My manager took away my departments chairs now but yet that Supervisor sits in her chair all day long and does nothing

** I was going to ask for a raise soon because I do a crazy amount of work. I have been coming in earlier and leaving later than everyone. All the other Sups just have to supervise yet I have to Supervise, Train, and do the work of 3 workers on top of all that. But now I feel it's useless and I need to just quit.

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