
Got told to call back when I get a burn-out

Okay so I (24M) am working 4 days in a row now. Every friday I’m off. Problem is: I have a few disorders including two forms of autism. This makes working extremely hard as I get overstimulated every day. I’m also in a band, so my day off is filled with rehearsing/gigs at the end of the week. This makes it that I get barely any rest. Also early stress symptoms are showing now: Twitching eyelid, yelling at my family, only lying in bed after a day of work, getting pissed off when asked to help my family in the weekends. On top of that I can’t afford to go to 3 days, because living in the Netherlands is hella expensive. I know there is a policy that if you had a burn-out this instance pays your day off to said employer. So today I called to this instance that…

Okay so I (24M) am working 4 days in a row now. Every friday I’m off. Problem is: I have a few disorders including two forms of autism. This makes working extremely hard as I get overstimulated every day. I’m also in a band, so my day off is filled with rehearsing/gigs at the end of the week.

This makes it that I get barely any rest. Also early stress symptoms are showing now: Twitching eyelid, yelling at my family, only lying in bed after a day of work, getting pissed off when asked to help my family in the weekends.

On top of that I can’t afford to go to 3 days, because living in the Netherlands is hella expensive. I know there is a policy that if you had a burn-out this instance pays your day off to said employer. So today I called to this instance that provides you with money if you are unable to work. Turns out I do not fit into any of their policies. So I said: “Shall i call back when I get a burn-out?” The lady on the phone was quiet for a moment and said: “Yeah, you can work, so there’s nothing we can do for you”.

I’m just so sick and tired of being forced to work. Why as a country would you not want to prevent burn-outs????

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