
got written up for coming in late….. on an overtime day.

So, I work in the produce department of a grocery store, and like in large parts of the US, we are having labor shortages due to crappy starting wages. We keep hiring people but it's overwhelming work for relatively low pay, so most people last a few weeks before quitting. Due to these circumstances, I have had to start working 6 days a week. I don't really complain too much about it, I've always enjoyed working there and the extra OT money is a nice plus. It would be even nicer if I could earn 2-3 more dollars an hour, but the store manager rejected my request a few months ago. So fast forward to Saturday. I was asked by my department manager if I could come in on my day off (Sunday) since someone called off and we needed the extra body. I told them I was up for…

So, I work in the produce department of a grocery store, and like in large parts of the US, we are having labor shortages due to crappy starting wages. We keep hiring people but it's overwhelming work for relatively low pay, so most people last a few weeks before quitting. Due to these circumstances, I have had to start working 6 days a week. I don't really complain too much about it, I've always enjoyed working there and the extra OT money is a nice plus. It would be even nicer if I could earn 2-3 more dollars an hour, but the store manager rejected my request a few months ago.

So fast forward to Saturday. I was asked by my department manager if I could come in on my day off (Sunday) since someone called off and we needed the extra body. I told them I was up for it, and around what time I should come in. Dept Manager said “8:00am would be great”. So I went to bed, and woke up with the intention of getting to work by 8am.

I guess I was careless with time, but after showering, eating, and getting ready, I was out the door by 7:45. My commute is usually 15 minutes, but traffic was bad, causing me to not reach work until 8:05.

I got to my department, I punched in, and my manager started freaking out and telling me how “It is irresponsible of me to show up late to work” I told them that there was traffic driving up to the store and they replied that that isn't an excuse and that he has to write me up and it will be a point on my record at the store. I worked my shift as usual and didn't let it bother me, but now thinking about it I think I'll start to look for a new job.

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