
got yelled at for getting sick before a shift, what now?

i’m not sure if this is the right place but i’m looking for advice. i’m working a summer job at a pizza place right now and i’m set to quit august 10th. the last few days i’ve had a sore throat and headache, but nothing major. today twenty minutes before my shift i threw up. so i called the store and my manager picked up. i basically told her i had gotten sick and wouldn’t be able to pick up my other coworker. she the. proceeded to berate me for my time management skills (i live a mile a sway and my shift was in twenty minutes), tell me it was ridiculous this happened right before my shift, and try to tell me to still get my coworker for her shift. so the question is, do i quit now and find another job for a month or stick it out?…

i’m not sure if this is the right place but i’m looking for advice. i’m working a summer job at a pizza place right now and i’m set to quit august 10th. the last few days i’ve had a sore throat and headache, but nothing major. today twenty minutes before my shift i threw up. so i called the store and my manager picked up. i basically told her i had gotten sick and wouldn’t be able to pick up my other coworker. she the. proceeded to berate me for my time management skills (i live a mile a sway and my shift was in twenty minutes), tell me it was ridiculous this happened right before my shift, and try to tell me to still get my coworker for her shift.

so the question is, do i quit now and find another job for a month or stick it out? this manager has a history of abusing power and generally being super ridiculous about stuff like this. it’s only my second job so i’m not sure what to do

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