
Got yelled at in an interview for being stalked

I was reading the subreddit and I remembered one of my frist interviews ever, which I thought was so funny, I wanted to share. I honestly don't remember the company, however… I graduated a top London university but due to some personal issues ( I had a guy stalk me all throughout university) I had a lower grade than expected. This was because we had “attendance marks” for showing up to classes. Due to me being at high risk for kidnapping and r*pe I obviously missed a lot of them. The university wrote me a letter, which was basically “We know she was stalked and we aknowledge that all the credits she did not receive for attending classes, should be awarded to her degree” but they didn't actually award them to me. Fast forward to me looking for a job. I write the grade, as I have no prior work…

I was reading the subreddit and I remembered one of my frist interviews ever, which I thought was so funny, I wanted to share.
I honestly don't remember the company, however… I graduated a top London university but due to some personal issues ( I had a guy stalk me all throughout university) I had a lower grade than expected. This was because we had “attendance marks” for showing up to classes. Due to me being at high risk for kidnapping and r*pe I obviously missed a lot of them.
The university wrote me a letter, which was basically “We know she was stalked and we aknowledge that all the credits she did not receive for attending classes, should be awarded to her degree” but they didn't actually award them to me.
Fast forward to me looking for a job. I write the grade, as I have no prior work exleriance, and I wrote a paragraph which briefly explains the situation – without being too dramatic.
I get invited to a job interview a few days later. I prepared by studying the entire day about the company and their values. I show up and walk in. This tiny lil man sits me down and starts going on about how he graduated the same university but didn't let a 'minor inconvenience' stop him from achieving his dream. He was a sales manager, not even the owner of the business. I stayed for 15 minutes while he had his lil man parade infront of me and 2 of his co-workers and honestly couldn't take any more.I laughed so hard as he was going on about being “middle-class” and life being so hard for him that he was stunned. I rained on his parade just as he was getting to the good part, just as he was going to show me how much better than me he was. I got my bag and laughed all the way out. I said to his 2 co-workers “I hope you don't have to stroke his ego too much every day, and if you do, use lube – he seems sensitive” and I walked out.
If he thought that me being constantly harassed, called and stalked, to the point where this person got his friends to try to lure me to a van so he could show me his 'love' was a minor inconvenience, then he could not possibly fathom what being a human is. To this day it's my number 1 story of how I learned what a “bullet” is. This person was going to be my “boss” lol

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