
Gotta love corporate franchises

Showed up to work today at 8:30am ready to push through while being sick. Boss told me I didn’t have a client till 1:30 and I could go home to rest until then. Came home started feeling worse so I told her I was going to get a Covid test (my job is literally touching peoples faces and I take it seriously when I’m sick because of how likely it is I’ll pass it on) she tells me it’s “a write up” for same day call out and “your clients depend on you” I replied with a picture of my positive test results. I have been having the hardest year of my entire life. Raised my niece for the first 4.5 months of her life due to my sister needing to get help with an addiction. Went through a breakup of a 7 year relationship because my ex was cheating…

Showed up to work today at 8:30am ready to push through while being sick. Boss told me I didn’t have a client till 1:30 and I could go home to rest until then. Came home started feeling worse so I told her I was going to get a Covid test (my job is literally touching peoples faces and I take it seriously when I’m sick because of how likely it is I’ll pass it on) she tells me it’s “a write up” for same day call out and “your clients depend on you” I replied with a picture of my positive test results. I have been having the hardest year of my entire life. Raised my niece for the first 4.5 months of her life due to my sister needing to get help with an addiction. Went through a breakup of a 7 year relationship because my ex was cheating on me and found out while I was raising my niece. Admitted to the hospital with a sick baby for 2 days. Next week I got strep. Woke up ON MY BIRTHDAY with a kidney stone. Surgery less than 2 weeks later for the kidney stone. Now Covid. I’ve tried SO hard to be fully transparent with my job about how much I’m struggling. Before any of this happened I regularly ranked top 3 in my district. Work was my home away from home because I love what I do. Just kind of hitting a point where I get that they’re not happy I’ve missed work while all of this has been going on but really can’t see anything on that list that I had control over. If they’re sick of hearing about it imagine how sick I am of living it. I don’t know how to turn this situation around when I feel like it’s just been 1 thing after another and having the added guilt of “people depend on you” thrown at me when I’m just trying to get my feet back under me just hurts my heart even more.

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