
Gotta vent.

Not entirely sure if this is the correct place for this but I am just so disappointed in my workplace and feel so let down. About two months ago I was strongly led to believe I was in a very good position of obtaining full time, something I’ve really been working towards. I’ve only been at my workplace a little over a year and am already doing just about every responsibility of a full timer. I’ve gone above and beyond for them – and I know that a lot of us think we should only put in what we’re paid for, but my work ethic has always spoken otherwise – I simply take genuine pride in whatever job I do. Anyway, like I said, I take about 95% of the shifts that I’m asked to cover for, will always stay late if needed (not for free obviously but still), drive…

Not entirely sure if this is the correct place for this but I am just so disappointed in my workplace and feel so let down. About two months ago I was strongly led to believe I was in a very good position of obtaining full time, something I’ve really been working towards. I’ve only been at my workplace a little over a year and am already doing just about every responsibility of a full timer.

I’ve gone above and beyond for them – and I know that a lot of us think we should only put in what we’re paid for, but my work ethic has always spoken otherwise – I simply take genuine pride in whatever job I do. Anyway, like I said, I take about 95% of the shifts that I’m asked to cover for, will always stay late if needed (not for free obviously but still), drive all over and work multiple locations when asked, and am a key holder of two separate stores, and truly care about providing a good customer experience just for a few examples.

I genuinely like this job and know the effort I put in, and thought they did too. Before the interview it was made clear that knowing how to do everything a full timer is responsible for is not a deciding factor overall. Well, this was the deciding factor and why I missed out. It makes me sad because I am always asking to learn the next thing, or take on a new responsibility. Our manager is at our store like once a week and barely has the time, so I can’t even get trained regardless of how badly I want to. Of course I was told I showed true excitement and enthusiasm during the interview, but what about everything before? On top of that, I learned it was always between two other employees due to the fact they are capable of every responsibility.

It’s just like, what was the point? This was a two month process just to be told no and learn I basically had no chance. Apparently more spots may open, but I think I’m done busting my balls to be dragged along another two months just to repeat all this.

Am I just caught up and in a bummed out mood? I just feel like they shouldn’t of got me excited if I didn’t truly meet the reqs.

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