
Government needs to lead the way in forcing workers back to the office said Republican Senator Burr from North Carolina said today on C-Span. Says he believes being in an office working is necessary to “do work”. ie, working at home is not work.

This was on C-Span, he thinks all workers ought to be coming to the office and if they work from home it might increase mental health issues (had no evidence this is true). The Federal Government he said needs to lead the way in this effort. This might be a sign of what is coming. Sen. Burr does seem to be a “moderate” Republican, so this might be an issue republican congress is pushing.

This was on C-Span, he thinks all workers ought to be coming to the office and if they work from home it might increase mental health issues (had no evidence this is true). The Federal Government he said needs to lead the way in this effort. This might be a sign of what is coming. Sen. Burr does seem to be a “moderate” Republican, so this might be an issue republican congress is pushing.

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