
Granny May and I invite you to her 8th funeral/memorial next Thursday 12/8/22.

Before my grandma (Granny May) passed away in 1993 she shared a lot of stories with me, mostly about how she hated that she worked her life away. She worked her entire adult life, most of it in the carpet mills around Dalton Georgia, until she was diagnosed with cancer in late 1992. She died at the age of 82. One thing she shared with me that I’ll never forget (7 times and counting): “any time you want some time off from work you tell them that your grandma died”. Well, I’ve been a bit of a job jumper most of my life so that has come in handy several times. Next week isn’t looking good for Granny May. I’ll not be requesting the bereavement pay but I will be taking the 3 days off. You’re officially invited.

Before my grandma (Granny May) passed away in 1993 she shared a lot of stories with me, mostly about how she hated that she worked her life away. She worked her entire adult life, most of it in the carpet mills around Dalton Georgia, until she was diagnosed with cancer in late 1992. She died at the age of 82. One thing she shared with me that I’ll never forget (7 times and counting): “any time you want some time off from work you tell them that your grandma died”. Well, I’ve been a bit of a job jumper most of my life so that has come in handy several times. Next week isn’t looking good for Granny May. I’ll not be requesting the bereavement pay but I will be taking the 3 days off. You’re officially invited.

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