
Granted the week off without pay for reporting an abusive manager…

So a couole weeks ago, this guy blew up and threw something across the room. Not at anyone, but still. I took note. Last week he berated and abused my coworker in front of me as normal, but he also did this in front of staff and guests, also directed toward me. I tried to tell him I would explain how we got behind (we were one short and he wasn't there for backup) after we got through this push. We had a conversation the last time this happened and I let him know I'm not going to be yelled at for things beyond my control or any reason. I had to take a stand, and an involuntary week off without pay for disclosing his behavior to the owner. I'm supposed to accept this without question. I lose. And I don't want to go back unless he is gone. I…

So a couole weeks ago, this guy blew up and threw something across the room. Not at anyone, but still. I took note. Last week he berated and abused my coworker in front of me as normal, but he also did this in front of staff and guests, also directed toward me. I tried to tell him I would explain how we got behind (we were one short and he wasn't there for backup) after we got through this push.

We had a conversation the last time this happened and I let him know I'm not going to be yelled at for things beyond my control or any reason. I had to take a stand, and an involuntary week off without pay for disclosing his behavior to the owner. I'm supposed to accept this without question. I lose. And I don't want to go back unless he is gone. I don't trust someone around sharp instruments and hot utensils and a full fucking grill if they can't control their response to anger.

I guess I'm just venting. I'm helping the owner of this business understand what is happening before the whole thing (including a new concept set to open in a wrek) implodes or explodes. Honestly, if they paid me for this week and didn't ask me to return I would be fine with that. Fat fucking chance. At least maybe I made this place take note for the next round of seasonal workers? Ugh.

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