
Great job, Awful contracting agency. Looking for suggestions

Hello all. This is my fist post. As the title says, I have a great job – no complaints about the end client. I love them and they love me. The only problem is that I am working through a contracting company. Recently the curtain has been pulled aside to reveal how tone deaf and uncaring this contracting agency is. I have just completed my contract and the end client has requested that it be extended. I have not yet signed the extension, nor do I want to be stuck with this contracting agency for another 6 months. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what a good course of action might be at this point. The agency is trying to pressure me into signing. There was a no compete clause in the first contract (can't be employed by end client for a year after contract ends). I…

Hello all. This is my fist post. As the title says, I have a great job – no complaints about the end client. I love them and they love me. The only problem is that I am working through a contracting company.

Recently the curtain has been pulled aside to reveal how tone deaf and uncaring this contracting agency is. I have just completed my contract and the end client has requested that it be extended. I have not yet signed the extension, nor do I want to be stuck with this contracting agency for another 6 months.

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what a good course of action might be at this point. The agency is trying to pressure me into signing. There was a no compete clause in the first contract (can't be employed by end client for a year after contract ends).

I will explain what happened in another post, but I'm just curious if anyone has any insights – is a non-compete clause legal after the contract has been fulfilled? Is there anything that the contracting company may have done to nullify that portion of it?

I appreciate any help regarding this matter.

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