You need an “All-american labor party”. You need to put your faces in it. But you don’t need to be alone: you want to involve famous people, intellectuals, unions and politicians like Sanders, or whoever you have there that’s a decent human being. If you’re waiting for the actual political class to do something, then you’ll wait forever, because everybody in the world knows your bipartisan democrats-republicans is an artificial manipulation to make political “sponsotization” more affordable (if I need to choose between just two parts, it’s easier and cheaper to manipulate the politic of a country).
The main thing: your movement first rule should be to avoid any sort of outside donation, only volunteers and inside donations to keep it alive. This will distinguish you from the others.
If for whatever reason someone still isn’t thinking “this guy is crazy”, then please continue.
If let’s say 8 years from now you gain a real political power, first thing first make a law about federal party finance, and make illegal to private funding parties for corporations. Second, laws to make mass media more impartial, and to make unions easier to create and harder to dismantle. Third… listen, I know you don’t like for God only knows why free healthcare… but at least, laws to make illegal to refuse life saving treatments for hospitals; then THEY have to demonstrate to the federal government it was a life saving treatment and the government will pay it. Of course this would’t work for a broke leg or a mental illness, but at least you’ll save lives.
Fourth, make a law about a minimum wage that automatically corrects with inflation/deflation; fifth, a law about cap renting to minimum wage.
Also – but this is science fiction. You should use in some way the power of the internet as a labor party, to make an app where people can express their opinion on laws and things with a click. But of course avoiding hackers and multiple spammers, connecting it with the ID of a living person. If there’s a country that IMO can do it in a safe way, it’s the super technological USA.
Again, greetings, hope my english was good enough… and keep moving forward!