
Grin and bear it or gtfo?

Apologies if this post is better suited in a different community but I’ve been really inspired by top posts from this page on r/All. Long story short I’ve made the classic mistake of going above and beyond and doing very specialized work (social media management) that goes way passed my basic, minimum wage duties with the hopes of upward mobility. There was miscommunication about whether or not I could log in extra hours to be compensated for those additional projects, and I’m waiting for an opportunity to basically say, “Hey, either you pay me retroactively + moving forward at least minimum wage for this work or I’m not doing it anymore”. The problem with the worst case scenario of dropping those projects is I need those for my resume to apply to other jobs and properly get paid for that specialized work and drop the bs retail duties that I…

Apologies if this post is better suited in a different community but I’ve been really inspired by top posts from this page on r/All.

Long story short I’ve made the classic mistake of going above and beyond and doing very specialized work (social media management) that goes way passed my basic, minimum wage duties with the hopes of upward mobility. There was miscommunication about whether or not I could log in extra hours to be compensated for those additional projects, and I’m waiting for an opportunity to basically say, “Hey, either you pay me retroactively + moving forward at least minimum wage for this work or I’m not doing it anymore”. The problem with the worst case scenario of dropping those projects is I need those for my resume to apply to other jobs and properly get paid for that specialized work and drop the bs retail duties that I despise AND I’m super low on money right now so I’d rather sit in a store and apply to jobs on my laptop and get paid versus doing it while unemployed. Any advice?

Edit: Spelling

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