
Groceries were cheaper when the stores were Unionized

and the workers better paid. I just thought of that, and it's worth pointing out to your “crazy uncle” (you know the kind). Even adjusting for inflation I paid way less for groceries back when my stores were Union shops with middle class wages. It wasn't until the union went away that the prices shot way up. Oh, and they didn't make people stop stocking shelves to run over and work the deli. Seriously, I've had that happen. It's nuts. I pay more for worse service and the workers get screwed in the bargain. There's absolutely no upside here.

and the workers better paid.

I just thought of that, and it's worth pointing out to your “crazy uncle” (you know the kind).

Even adjusting for inflation I paid way less for groceries back when my stores were Union shops with middle class wages. It wasn't until the union went away that the prices shot way up.

Oh, and they didn't make people stop stocking shelves to run over and work the deli. Seriously, I've had that happen. It's nuts.

I pay more for worse service and the workers get screwed in the bargain. There's absolutely no upside here.

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