
Growing up being told “working 9 to 5” was the worst was a disservice: I need to work 7-10 to support myself.

I’m 20, yes hello I’m younger, I’ve been working ever since I turned 16. I’m moving out in December and my current FULL TIME job doesn’t pay me enough, and I’m being told by my parents and others around me that “working 60 hours a week is normal and EXPECTED for people my age.” Why wasn’t I told this in high school?? No one told me this growing up. No one told me that the “norm” was to work yourself to death. I’m getting a second job working retail in the evenings, and I probably won’t be at home from 6am till 10 or 11 every night. When am I supposed to see my family? Go to the doctor? Go to fucking therapy? Growing up I was told to get an education, work 40 hours a week to pay the bills and that was that. And even then it was…

I’m 20, yes hello I’m younger, I’ve been working ever since I turned 16. I’m moving out in December and my current FULL TIME job doesn’t pay me enough, and I’m being told by my parents and others around me that “working 60 hours a week is normal and EXPECTED for people my age.” Why wasn’t I told this in high school?? No one told me this growing up. No one told me that the “norm” was to work yourself to death.

I’m getting a second job working retail in the evenings, and I probably won’t be at home from 6am till 10 or 11 every night. When am I supposed to see my family? Go to the doctor? Go to fucking therapy? Growing up I was told to get an education, work 40 hours a week to pay the bills and that was that. And even then it was like “yeah 40 hours a week is a grind but that’s just life”. NOW I have to work every waking second just to pay rent? If I want to go back to school, add THAT to the list.

Wish someone would have warned me earlier cuz I would have bailed out sooner if I knew how FUCKED I was from the start.

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