
Guilt for not having anything to do at work?

Should I feel guilty about not having anything to do at work? I’m trying to make myself look busy as best I can, but most of my day is researching my own hobbies. I’d feel less guilty if I had something else to do, you know? Like if I had a side project I could work on on my computer, but I don’t. I don’t know how to develop an app or do digital drawings, so I can’t think of a side hustle I could do here at my desk lol

Should I feel guilty about not having anything to do at work? I’m trying to make myself look busy as best I can, but most of my day is researching my own hobbies. I’d feel less guilty if I had something else to do, you know? Like if I had a side project I could work on on my computer, but I don’t. I don’t know how to develop an app or do digital drawings, so I can’t think of a side hustle I could do here at my desk lol

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