
Guys, I’m warning you now: we are going to be seeing lots more attacks because the Fed wants massive layoffs

I'm already seeing it in the comments, and in people's stories. The Federal Reserve has chosen to blame runaway inflation on us, the workers, who are trying desperately to catch up with a living wage. For once, the numbers are on our side because of covid; but it's pissing off the movers and shakers — how dare we? So, the Fed has prescribed massive worker layoffs as the only medicine that will work to bring down inflation. That is a dirty lie, as currently inflation is far more attributable to corporate greed than to whatever negligible wage increase some of us might have won. But they're scared of us and scared of unions, so they need us to suffer and be put back in our place. They're telling all the business rags that it's unavoidable, can't be helped etc. ATT just laid off a bunch of people by zoom meeting…

I'm already seeing it in the comments, and in people's stories.

The Federal Reserve has chosen to blame runaway inflation on us, the workers, who are trying desperately to catch up with a living wage. For once, the numbers are on our side because of covid; but it's pissing off the movers and shakers — how dare we?

So, the Fed has prescribed massive worker layoffs as the only medicine that will work to bring down inflation. That is a dirty lie, as currently inflation is far more attributable to corporate greed than to whatever negligible wage increase some of us might have won.

But they're scared of us and scared of unions, so they need us to suffer and be put back in our place. They're telling all the business rags that it's unavoidable, can't be helped etc. ATT just laid off a bunch of people by zoom meeting yesterday.

So when their agents/apologists slither in here and try to pull that doom and gloom shit and push their Big Lie that high prices are our fault and that if we want higher wages, everybody will hate us cause inflation will soar —


don't abide sabotage!

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