
Had a red flag (final) interview happen a few days ago

The start of the timeline was around 2 weeks ago when I got a face-to-face interview with company A. All is well, and the mood is good, although it took them longer to interview me, I could understand because it was a batch interview and I was somewhere in the last but not dead last, and that there was a small test and a form I needed to fill out. Then I got a video interview with company B, this is the company with the red flags, but nothing out of the ordinary. The usual HR questions but somehow they didn't ask if I had pending interviews. It had slipped out of my mind, but usually, HR is supposed to ask that, if I'm not mistaken. About 5 days later, I was later scheduled for the final interview with company B, although this is where the red flags started popping…

The start of the timeline was around 2 weeks ago when I got a face-to-face interview with company A. All is well, and the mood is good, although it took them longer to interview me, I could understand because it was a batch interview and I was somewhere in the last but not dead last, and that there was a small test and a form I needed to fill out.

Then I got a video interview with company B, this is the company with the red flags, but nothing out of the ordinary. The usual HR questions but somehow they didn't ask if I had pending interviews. It had slipped out of my mind, but usually, HR is supposed to ask that, if I'm not mistaken.

About 5 days later, I was later scheduled for the final interview with company B, although this is where the red flags started popping up. First off, I was greeted by the HR who interviewed me before, though his camera was off. I couldn't remember the title of the next person who interviewed me, but he somehow didn't look the part. His camera was all over the place, and I would know because it looks like a laptop camera that was on his lap. He then was asking if I'm ready to commit to the company or something, basically I've been accepted. However, I told them to wait for about 2 weeks (I had language classes that will end in one week, but 2 weeks is good so I can refresh myself), and I also told them I was waiting for a pending interview. The interviewer didn't seem all too happy. Said that I can't be in this company if I'm not going to commit to work. Said that I can't just join the company and leave a week later if company A accepts me. He also told me that I shouldn't say that because it displeases HR in general. While he then let my application be put on hold for 2 weeks, it feels like I'm at gunpoint with company B.

This is actually the first time I felt bad after an interview. It's not the bad “I'm not going to make it” type, it's more “I somehow feel the pressure”. I'm a fresh grad that wasn't able to land a job for about a year or two, so I'm kinda desperate, but at the same time this company is pulling up red flags. My memory is a little hazy from the depression and/or anxiety, so you could ask me for some details and I might fill in some more info.

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