
Had my work evaluation…

Aside from the typical bullshit, “meets expectations here, and here, and here..” the boss man went on for almost an hour about two things that im not really sure how to feel about, Im angry, kinda, but I also don't care and it's not going to change how I go about my day but I want other opinions. So Im a mechanic and work outside, there's a car port to work under but beyond that I have to work in literally all the elements, 100 degree heat, cold, rain, thunder storms etc, aside from literally pissing in the woods the nearest bathroom is at another location, as is the cold water (I carry a water bottle everywhere on site), my morning routine is show up an hour before anyone else, clock in, open shit up, heat up my breakfast (they have a microwave, I do not) maybe use the bathroom,…

Aside from the typical bullshit, “meets expectations here, and here, and here..” the boss man went on for almost an hour about two things that im not really sure how to feel about, Im angry, kinda, but I also don't care and it's not going to change how I go about my day but I want other opinions.

So Im a mechanic and work outside, there's a car port to work under but beyond that I have to work in literally all the elements, 100 degree heat, cold, rain, thunder storms etc, aside from literally pissing in the woods the nearest bathroom is at another location, as is the cold water (I carry a water bottle everywhere on site), my morning routine is show up an hour before anyone else, clock in, open shit up, heat up my breakfast (they have a microwave, I do not) maybe use the bathroom, fill my water bottle then head out to the yard to start work, takes about 5-10 mins. My boss, Jim, made mention during my evaluation that the COO “caught me” in the building and bitched at Jim about how I'm the only person in the company who has modified hours (complete bullshit) and I should be working immediately after I show up, not “hanging around on the office”.

As mentioned, I show up early, I usually put in 45-50 hours a week, I don't bitch about the working conditions, or the incompetent management, I've never missed a deadline, I accommodate the dumb shit the boss people throw at me, get my work done, go home. I feel like I should call a meeting and air my grievances but idk. What do you all think? Sorry for the length of this post.

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