
Had one of those “nobody wants to work anymore” customers at work yesterday at Burger King

It almost hurts to hold in my tongue when people “thank” me for showing up to my job on a beautiful Saturday or working on Father's Day. You want to know why nobody works here? Because the only time I get to sit down is when I am allowed by the manager to use the bathroom once (MAYBE twice) a day for ~4 minutes when I have been standing for 7 and a half hours because they refuse to give me my full 8 hours. Because the pay is a measly $12/hr when gas is through the roof. Because we get no benefits! Because the customers give us a nasty attitude over a fucking soda and we have to go through it with a smile on our face. Because we are struggling to actually get our requested time off when needed. Because our schedules are so unpredictable that I can't…

It almost hurts to hold in my tongue when people “thank” me for showing up to my job on a beautiful Saturday or working on Father's Day.

You want to know why nobody works here? Because the only time I get to sit down is when I am allowed by the manager to use the bathroom once (MAYBE twice) a day for ~4 minutes when I have been standing for 7 and a half hours because they refuse to give me my full 8 hours. Because the pay is a measly $12/hr when gas is through the roof. Because we get no benefits! Because the customers give us a nasty attitude over a fucking soda and we have to go through it with a smile on our face. Because we are struggling to actually get our requested time off when needed. Because our schedules are so unpredictable that I can't tell if I'll be working 20 hours or 35 hours that week. Because when my mental illness was running rampant and I was having flashbacks and extreme suicidal thoughts I had to smile to give someone their Whopper because I do not get breaks. Because one of my coworkers asked for a small raise after working there for years trying to become a manager and the floor manager laughed.

Because compared to other Burger Kings, these are actually GOOD conditions!

So please don't “thank” me for working. I'm working because otherwise I will starve. Given the option, I would say “fuck this place” and go enjoy the sunny day like the others.

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